Chaos Theory Movie Full Length Without Download Online Streaming
Narrative Chaos Theory (2008):
Frank Allen, a professional speaker who lectures on time management has a perfectly ordered and scheduled life, down to the minute. When his wife sets his clock forward 10 minutes as a joke, his day is thrown off. Deciding that his strictly ordered life has done him little good, he begins to make multiple choice index cards, choosing one at random and doing what is written on the card.Casts of Chaos Theory:
Ryan Reynolds, Emily Mortimer, Stuart Townsend, Sarah Chalke, Mike Erwin, Constance Zimmer, Matreya Fedor, Elisabeth Harnois, Chris William Martin, Jovanna HuguetMovie Overview
Title: Chaos Theory
- Released: 2008-03-14
- Genre: Comedy, Romance
- Date: 2008-03-14
- Runtime: 87 Minutes
- Company: W.I.P., Castle Rock Entertainment, Lone Star Film Group, Land Films Inc.
- Language: English
- Budget:
- Revenue: $240,476
- Plot Keyword : Comedy, Romance
- Homepage: http://chaostheorymovie.warnerbros.com/
- Trailer: Watch Trailer
- Director: Rick Montgomery, Barbara Kelly, Sandy Cochrane, Erica Westheimer, Fred Westheimer, Ramsey Nickell, Peter Lando, Tish Monaghan, Frederic Golchan, Marcos Siega
Read More About Chaos Theory
Great watch, will watch again, and do recommend.There is nothing like watching a good actor pretending to lose their mind, and Ryan Reynolds is a great actor, as far as I'm concerned.
While I actually like both sides of his personality dilemma, the story is actually written in a way that you can feel bad for him, and he becomes humanized through it.
I don't think the wife character is a bad person, but she's written in a way that makes the situation understandable.
The whole movie has a thick atmosphere to it, it draws you in, and I forget I'm watching a movie for quite a bit of it.
It might seem a bit contrived, but the story is masterful in a very unique, chaotic way.
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